Revel In Some of the Best Curated Stories Designed by Charles Zana ⇒ Based in Paris, the Charles Zana Studio was established in 1990 and has since then become one of the main references when it comes to industries of interior architecture and decoration.
From outstanding residential projects to one-of-a-kind commercial interiors, the studio’s style is rather unmistakable, as many would describe it as luxurious and bold but also quintessentially classic French. Throughout today’s article, PullCast Blog will explore the background and enticing interior design projects, otherwise known as “curated stories” that were beautifully designed by Charles Zana!

Zana graduated from the École Nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris, where he found his voice and started forging his own style and axes of influence.

For each project, Charles Zana follows a rigorous architect-like approach, seeking comfort, fluid circulations, details, harmony, symmetry, and discrete technology, but also capable of a nod to assimilating, when necessary, the history of places, of appropriating and of revisiting, of magnifying or of bending.

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A cultured aesthete, Charles Zana showcases the works of his clients, collectors whose eye he supports, like a curator of an exhibition. Referencing sculpture, abstraction, drawing, and installation art, for each project he writes a new story, giving it greater conceptual value.

From conception to completion, the studio keeps on researching and trying to find a solution for a certain problem, proposing innovation strategies, thus matching the requirements of each client. The result is a flawless execution combining luxury and intelligence where the architect disappears to better let his creation speak.

Charles Zana wants to prelude a new design tradition, especially one that revisits the wonders of classicism while introducing small pops of contemporaneity in his work as well as a more emotive side. In order to do so, Zana surrounds himself with an extremely skilled team that brings refreshing and innovative ideas to the table.
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Designed by Charles Zana
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