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Decor Ideas for Bathroom Renovation

Decor Ideas for your Bathroom Renovation ⇒ Thinking in make a bathroom renovation but without any ideas for you decoration? We have some of the best ideas for your bathroom look stunning.


Hardware Ideas for your Bathroom

Gold and Brassy Hardware

Decor Ideas for Bathroom RenovationGolden and brassy hardware shades  can be an elegant ideia for your bathroom decor. They’re more versatile and can complement black, white and neutral-toned furniture. Try to find interesting pieces in this shade, such as the Macaron Drawer Handle from PullCast.

White Bathroom with Golden Drawer Handles

Decor Ideas for Bathroom RenovationAnother glamorous idea is the white and golden combination. A pure white bathroom design can be enhanced by golden drawer hardware, but also silver hardware design can fit any elegant bathroom. The hardware design should be considered as an important part of your bathroom decor renovation.

Wooden and Naturalistic Details

Wooden Details and Matching Cabinet Handles

Decor Ideas for Bathroom RenovationIn the bathroom area there is common and could be also a great idea for your decor, to place wooden details and surfaces which can be paired with different hardware design. Pullcast has different collections which matches wooden surfaces. Highlight the bathroom decor of yours by adding unique hardware pieces.

Naturalistic Drawer Handles

Decor Ideas for Bathroom RenovationAn idea a little more original and very elegant for your bathroom renovation, are naturalistic hardware. These drawer handles were inspired by nature and represents limbs of a tree which can be seen from its unusual and artistic form. The hardware can be used in a bathroom, living room or in any interior design cause the handles make them highly stylish.

Bathroom Entryway

Perfect Door Knobs for Entering a Bathroom

Decor Ideas for Bathroom RenovationFor a full bathroom renovation, we musn’t forgot the entryway decor. The perfect door knobs has to represent the interior design in the room where the door leads which the door knobs are placed on. The placement of door hardware has to be well-thought and also the hardware design has to match regarding its colors and surface the other colors in the room.

⇒ Read Also: Luxury Bathrooms: How to Adorn Your Cabinetry with Decorative Hardware


If you want to discover more about the exclusive and luxurious world of PullCast and our elegant collections of decorative and architectural hardware, then feel free to follow us on social media: Facebook, PinterestTwitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and Youtube!

Decor Ideas for Bathroom Renovation

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